The retailer may have leaked Silent Hill 2 launch date

But don't mark your calendars yet No doubt you are many horror fans. There is a lot of people wishing for Bloober teams upcoming.

Yet don’t mark your calendars just yet.

No doubt many you horror fans have been anticipating the forthcoming remake of Silent Hill by Bloober Teams. Some of you are anxious, but others are afraid of making judgement. On the contrary, the game is on a lot of peoples lips, and maybe the date of the release date already has a couple of years ago.

According to Twitter user ResiEvilCentral, Australia’s gaming game Gorilla made Silent Hill 2 available for pre-order at a cost of 89 dollars. However, the most interesting part of this listing is that it says that the scheduled release date for the remake should fall to September 29.

Now, since neither Capcom nor the developer said when its likely to launch, this information is definitely interesting. Last night, Bloober Team denied that SH2 was ready to release. That since both Steam and the PlayStation Store don’t list a release date means this could be wrong.

Silent Hill 2 remakes could have a release date.


Placeholder dates for pre-orders without release dates usually will be the 29.30 Dec.

Other pre-orders on their website confirm that.


Let’s see.

Will | Resident Evil Central (@ResiEvil Central) June 12-2023 (Birth, 2023).

If any one of us has access to information, then you are not concerned with that. As of now there is no official release date for the game, so it’s always possible that this is just a rumor or someone whose fault is for. The leaked release date was still in print on the retailers website. It’s best not to get your hopes up until the studio/publisher confirms or denies these latest developments.

Silent Hill enjoys a pretty solid legacy, but its been lying dormant for too long. The second installment, released in 2001, has gone down as one of the most important survival horror games of all time. Given this, it’s not surprising that many people are looking forward to this remake. It’s still not clear if Bloober Team can pull it off in the first place.

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