LoL players claim the rework of Yuumis failseven after Riot Phreak drops stats to prove otherwise

The most hated cat is on the internet.

Yuumi remains a major voice in the League of Legends community, and her work hasn’t stopped it. Players keep thinking she’s overpowered, even though stats may indicate the contrary.

In a Reddit thread from June 8 a League player asked for the release date of rework by Yuumis, released on March 7th, and complained about not seeing her picked so often.

He claimed his presence rate was down anywhere, depending on the league’s position.

It was measured at a whopping 50 percent in the games played on Patch 12.18 (referring to 2022 World Championship), to 36 to 44 percent in the games on Patch 13.11.

He wrote to me that looks pretty successful. Maybe pros should get better at drafting.

When will the rework that was supposed to remove her from pro play? deliberations of the u/katsuatis in leagueoflegends of leagueoflegends, which were to be released?

After a rework, she still is 70 percent more win than her competitors in LPL. According to the results of Oracles Elixir, the highest supporting support. She is just the sixth support pick with the most presence.

Did we fail with the refurbishment of Yuumi? No, the pro players must be wrong, ironically answered another user.

Yuumi was a controversial champion since her release in May 2018, thanks to her unique ability to be an allies and become untargetable. Her popularity in some tournaments, and her annoying attach ability made her proud to become a top-quality champion in the game.

Although she was not ready for play after rework, she was banned for four days. However, many players tried to say that he had a full ban. He hates this way. Her het eroding of support didn’t always impress but now she seems to return back to top status.

The Magical Cat received six nerfs alone this year, the one she introduced at Patch 13.12 next week. Her own destiny is too far. She can’t wait for his next genocidal changes for the next season, since her own strategy is very thin.

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